2024 Update
I’ve started a YouTube channel. YAY!!!
New Year is my favorite holiday. I love the concept of starting new. I think about having another year, 12 months, 52 weeks, 365 days, 8,760 hours, or 525,600 minutes to be intentional about life. However you think about a year, it’s a great time to create your Theme For The Year. I did not offer my Theme For The Year package because I am offering YouTube videos to help all listeners walk through the process of creating their Theme For The Year. The goal is to post every 7 to 10 days. Though I am not offering the coaching package, I will offer quarterly Zoom gatherings to answer questions and help people plan their “Quarterly Celebrations” and prepare for the following “working months.”
Why YouTube? I believe there are a lot of voices people come across on all social media platforms and I wanted to add my voice and hopes to the options. The channel is named after my retreat business, “Living In The Rest.” I also call this LITR, pronounced “lighter,” because Living In The Rest is all about carrying fewer burdens, living with ease, and trusting the process. And this is what Theme For The Year (TFTY) has always been about. I moved away from the burdensome list of goals to accomplish over the year, to having an intentional focus I call my TFTY. Having a focus that I’ll stick with 365 days has been a gift to me. I hope sharing the package details in bite-size videos will inspire you and others to go on the journey of creating your own TFTY.
Here is one of the videos. My goal is to have enough videos posted so that those following along with me, will have their TFTY finalized by January 15, 2024. I hope you will watch with your journal in hand and take the time to write a reflection after each video to help you develop your TFTY.
Throughout most of 2020, the world faced unbelievable challenges and so many lives were lost with little to no warning. The tragedies we faced inspired Velshonnna Luckey, the Founder of Pendulum Consulting, LLC, to search for a way to be a force for good in this world by focusing on Executive Coaching and creating PENDULUM Masterclass: The Art of Living ON Purpose. Helping individuals grow in their personal and professional lives has always been important to Velshonna, specifically in the area of, Emotional Intelligence. Executive Coaching has given Velshonna an increased opportunity to help people navigate the crises that rolled into our lives without any breaks. If you are finding it hard to define your leadership style or determine a professional or personal focus, be sure to sign up for a free consultation at this link. To date, Velshonna is accredited in the Human Synergistics’s Integrated Diagnostic System of assessment tools – Life Style Inventory™, Leadership/Impact®, and Management/Impact® assessments, and Organizational Culture Inventory® and Organizational Effectiveness Inventory®. These tools are used for the growth and development of individuals, leaders, and organizations.
Birth of Pendulum
In 2018, a former staff member encouraged Velshonna Luckey to start a consulting company. Initially, the primary focus of Pendulum Consulting was to help organizations improve their youth development programs and build community partnerships. Within the first year, Pendulum Consulting expanded to helping individuals evaluate and develop their personal and professional career paths. Moving into Executive Coaching came naturally to Velshonna because of her genuine desire to help people become unstoppable in every aspect of their life. In November 2018, Velshonna created what she thought would be a one-time service called "New Year Special: Your Theme for the Year" to help people organize their personal goals for the new year; seven people signed up.
Pendulum Consulting is all about moving individuals from good to great, then great to amazing. Velshonna has always known that her dedication and commitment to youth work stemmed from a genuine concern for the well-being of others. She enjoys helping people find language for who they want to be, identifying what is holding them back or obstructing their view, and creating inspirational plans to help propel them forward. Clients who want to become more effective leaders or improve their overall emotional intelligence are encouraged to consider her Life Styles Inventory packages.
Here is what Velshonna's Consulting Mentor has to say about her.
Her experience as a Youth Program Director at the Robinson Community Learning Center
While in the role of Youth Development Program Director at the University of Notre Dame's Robinson Community Learning Center, Velshonna began sharing with parents the opportunities they have to change their "family tree". She encouraged them to think about the life experiences of their family members and how that may differ from the hopes they have for their children. She and her team hosted Parent Retreats to further expand on the theory of "changing your family tree". Guardians worked on art projects to create a visual representation of their hopes. They discussed things like creating a family motto, thoughtfully considering what it means for their children to become world changers. The idea of seeing their children as world changers started with helping guardians dream and prepare for their children to be the first to earn a college degree, the first to run companies or cities, the first to travel or participate in things like Shakespeare, Lego Robotics and a variety of science clubs.
Every person and community-focused organization looking to improve their strategic plans through thoughtful consideration of their employees, volunteers and the population they serve would greatly benefit from contacting Pendulum Consulting.
Velshonna Community Building and Youth Development
Velshonna’s 20+ years of experience working in the field of Youth Development has given her an in-depth insight into successful relationship-building practices that help to create sustainable programming for youth. Her commitment to what she calls the “4 Win” partnership strategy requires thoughtful listening and it is what her clients most benefit from. This partnership strategy goes beyond the standard win-win approach most collaborations are based on. Velshonna developed an expanded strategy based on her 16 years of community work on behalf of the University of Notre Dame. The strategy included building partnerships that benefit: 1. Children, Parents, and/or Neighborhood 2. Host Agency/Community Partner 3. the College Student and 4. the professor/College/Department (there are many stakeholders to consider when doing community work). Through such work, Velshonna became dedicated to being an "opportunity maker". She is always looking for ways to enhance the lives of the population she serves, which primarily includes the underrepresented and youth who were hoping to be first-generation college students.
Over the years Velshonna became known for her thoughtful approach to creating programs that kept all parties’ interests in mind while making sure the needs of youth and their families were always the priority. She's spent many hours working with and listening closely to families she served; always making sure to create opportunities that would help them advance in the ways they desired.
We’re always available to help you develop your vision. You can also make a donation by clicking the button “Support Us Today.” Donations go towards clients who are unable to pay for our services.